Sunday, December 27, 2009

Concurso de Seat Ibiza y El Sue�o de Morfeo

�Quieres llevarte un Seat Ibiza por la cara? Pues solo tienes que participar en el concurso que ha organizado Seat y cruzar los dedos. Es m�s, podr�s aprovechar el atasco para pensar en el concurso. El Sue�o de Morfeo ha sacado un v�deo musical en el que mientras est�n en un atasco, se fijan en los otros coches y acaban haciendo una fiesta. Esta es la excusa que la gente de Seat ha tomado para su campa�a y para el concurso.

Para concursar �nicamente tienes que grabar con una c�mara de v�deo, con un tel�fono m�vil, con la c�mara de fotos o con cualquier otro chisme al �tipo del coche de al lado�. Es decir, �chale imaginaci�n y sorprende a los de Seat para llevarte un Ibiza a casa. Una vez que tengas el v�deo, basta con subirlo a YouTube y registrarse en la web para indicar el enlace.
El primer premio es un Seat Ibiza, pero no acaba ah� la cosa. Hay otros premios como ir a un concierto de El Sue�o de Morfeo, que el v�deo salga en la televisi�n, que se use parte de �l en la campa�a publicitaria� �Qui�n sabe? Es posible que adem�s del Ibiza, te fichen para hacer una pel�cula.
Por cierto, en la web del concurso ( puedes ver el v�deo de El Sue�o de Morfeo, descargarte el mp3 o el politono de la canci�n �Gente y ver otros v�deos de usuarios para inspirarte. Aqu� os dejo alg�n ejemplo, �nimo, que nunca fue tan divertido llevarse un coche.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano & Hummer H2

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Legend (Schumi) is Back in Action

In what has turned out to be the biggest news in motor sport of the year, Michael Schumacher has confirmed that he is returning to what he did best over the years - Formula 1 Racing, in 2010. Mercedes-Benz has managed to pull a casting coup of sorts in it's line-up for 2010 - at one end, the very young and supremely talented Nico Rosberg and at the other end, the legendary, iconic Michael Schumacher. Add to it the Team Principal Ross Brawn and the line-up is incredible. Michael Schumacher and Ross Brawn share a very special relationship and it was this duo which brought the Ferrari team back to winning ways in F1. Also, Michael won all his seven F1 Championships under Ross Brawn.

Being a die-hard fan of Schumi like millions of others across the world, I was overwhelmed when the news of Michael replacing the injured Felipe Massa at Ferrari this year came out. But Schumi's neck injury ensured that the moment for which hordes of fans were waiting with bated breath did not happen. After all no one will ever forget the popular Schumi trademark - pumping his fists and jumping in air while standing in the podium even after making winning a habit over the years. I am sure it was Michael who made many people in India watch F1 and thus turned them into fans of the sport. Now that the legend is going to be back in action next year, competing with people almost half his age, he has made a world of good for the sport making sure that people across the globe will be glued to television sets during the 2010 F1 season. I wish Michael gets a good car and start the season directly challenging for the race victory and ultimately for the championship. Soon cometh March-2010!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Westley Harding Ford Falcon

WestleyHarding-Ford Falcon-06, originally uploaded by plbmak.

\'57 Ford Thunderbird

'57 Ford Thunderbird, originally uploaded by aperture7.1.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Boeing's Dream takes Flight

After many agonizing hiccups and delays, Boeing's 787 Dreamliner took to the skies for the first time on Dec-15-2009 and successfully completed it's test flight which lasted for 3 hours. Ushering a new era in long, fuel-efficient air travel, the first commercial airplane from Boeing since 1994 took off before an estimated gathering of 12,000 employees and guests from Paine Field in Everett, Washington. The flight marks the beginning of a test program that will see six 787 Dreamliners flying nearly round the clock and around the globe, with the airplane's first delivery scheduled for 4th quarter of 2010.

"Today is truly a proud and historic day for the global team which has worked tirelessly to design and build the 787 Dreamliner - the first all-new jet airplane of the 21st century", said Scott Fancher, Vice President and General Manager of the 787 program. "We look forward to the upcoming flight test program and soon bringing groundbreaking levels of efficiency, technology and passenger comfort to airlines and the flying public". Powered by two Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines, the first Boeing 787 will be joined in the flight test program in the coming weeks and months by five other 787s, including two that will be powered by General Electric GEnx engines.

According to Boeing, the 787 Dreamliner will offer passengers a better flying experience and provide airline operators greater efficiency to better serve the point-to-point routes and additional frequencies passengers prefer. The technologically-advanced 787 will use 20 percent less fuel than today's airplanes of comparable size, provide airlines with up to 45 percent more cargo revenue capacity and present passengers with innovations that include a new interior environment with cleaner air, larger windows, more stowage space, improved lighting and other passenger-preferred conveniences.

The 787 program has been a much-delayed nevertheless truly remarkable journey for Boeing. The company claims that with 55 customers around the world having ordered 840 airplanes already, the 787 Dreamliner is the fastest-selling new commercial jetliner in history.

Milestones of 787 Dreamliner Program:

  • Jul-08-2007: Unveiling of 787 Dreamliner

  • Jun-23-2008: Power On

  • Aug-11-2008: Gear Up

  • Nov-17-2008: Wing Break Test

  • May-05-2009: Move to Field

  • Jun-09-2009: Gauntlet Test

  • Nov-20-2009: Charleston Groundbreaking

  • Dec-12-2009: High Speed Taxi Test

  • Dec-15-2009: First Flight

2010 North American Car & Truck of the Year Finalists Announced

The final contenders for the prestigious 2010 North American Car and Truck Of The Year awards has just been announced. The models which have made the final cut are the Buick LaCrosse, Ford Fusion Hybrid and Volkswagen Golf/GTi in cars and the Chevrolet Equinox, Ford Transit Connect and Subaru Outback in trucks. The winners will be announced on Jan-11-2010 at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. One of the above models will be crowned as successors to the 2009 title winners, the Hyundai Genesis and Ford F150 in Cars and Trucks respectively.

The awards, which are in their 17th year, are very special and unique in North America because, instead of being given by a single media outlet, they are given by automotive journalists from USA and Canada representing all sections of the media like websites, television, magazines, etc. The awards are designed to recognize the most outstanding vehicles of the year based on factors that include innovation, design, safety, handling, driver satisfaction and value for the dollar. To be eligible, vehicles must be �all-new� or �substantially changed� from the previous model. This year the jury considered more than 50 vehicles and finally focused on 16 cars and 10 trucks.

My bet is on the Ford Fusion Hybrid and Chevrolet Equinox to walk away with the honors for 2010 making it a clean sweep by the domestic automakers. But the jury may pull out a surprise at the Detroit Auto Show. So it's a long wait till Jan-11 to check whether my predictions and guesses are true.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Ford Focus 1.6 Flex

A Ford apresentou a nova gera��o do Focus. Ele vem com o novo motor Sigma 1.6 Flex, quase todo feito em alum�nio de quatro cilindros e 16 v�lvulas gerando 109 cv a gasolina e 115 cv abastecido com �lcool.

A vers�o GL vem de s�rie airbag ar-condicionado, frontal duplo, travas, dire��o hidr�ulica, vidros e retrovisores el�tricos, CD Player compat�vel com MP3, ajuste de altura dos far�is e rodas de aro 16�. Na vers�o GLX traz ainda vidros el�tricos nas portas traseiras, ma�anetas e retrovisores na cor do ve�culo e descansa-bra�o para o motorista.

Veja pre�os das novas vers�es 1.6 Flex do Focus 2010:

GL 1.6 Flex � R$49.900
GLX 1.6 Flex sem ABS � R$51.400
GLX 1.6 Flex com ABS � R$52.400

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Audi A8 ter� Google Earth no GPS

O Audi A8 ir� utilizar o Google Earth em seu sistema de navega��o GPS.

O sistema permite navega��o em 3D que pode ser comandada pela tela de LCD de 8 polegadas, do tipo touch screen.

O sistema ainda permite inclu�do um Modem UMTS que d� acesso � internet, o que possibilita fazer downloads de mapas e transferir dados do sistema de navega��o por sat�lite.

Plymouth Cuda Super Twin-Turbo contra Enzo Ferrari

Quem ser� que leva a melhor? O moderno Enzo Ferrari ou o musculoso Plymouth Cuda Super Twin-Turbo?

Para acabar com esta duvida veja no v�deo abaixo o desafio do Cuda Super LMC, depois de uma reforma total, contra o Enzo.

Fotos da Reforma do Cuba AQUI

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Lotus, originally uploaded by P.E.S.H..

Mercedes-Benz Classe E Cabrio

A Mercedes-Benz Classe E Cabrio ser� apresentada no Sal�o de Detroit em janeiro de 2010. O Classe E vem como uma novidade o sistemas Aircap um sistema que cria uma camada de ar sobre os ocupantes do veiculo reduzindo os golpes de vento e o barulho no interior, o sistema � acion�vel com velocidades acima de 160 km/h. E ainda Airscarf que joga ar quente na nuca dos ocupantes para dar maior conforto nos dias frios. A capota pode ser acionada com o veiculo em movimento na velocidade de 40 km/h e leva 20 s.

O Mercedes-Benz Classe E Cabrio ter� motores a gasolina, com inje��o direta, e propulsores a diesel, com pot�ncias que variam de 170cv a 388cv. A transmiss�o � autom�tica para todas as vers�es - de seis velocidades para os modelos a diesel, e seis ou sete marchas para os blocos a gasolina.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Jipe TAC Stark lan�ado oficialmente

O TAC Stark, produzido em Joinville (SC), foi apresentado ao p�blico no Sal�o do Autom�vel de 2008. As 25 primeiras unidades do modelo, que foram vendidas durante o evento, come�am a ser entregues aos donos nesta semana.

O fabricante espera produzir 220 unidades/m�s a partir de 2012. O jipe vem com motor 2.3 a diesel, da FPT, com 127 cavalos. Ele vem de s�rie com ar-condicionado, dire��o hidr�ulica, vidros e travas el�tricos, al�m de hod�metro digital e tem como opcionais itens GPS, snorkel, guincho, far�is auxiliares e cinto de seguran�a de cinco pontos.

A suspens�o � independente, e as rodas de 16 polegadas, s�o tem pneus de uso misto. O TAC Stark tamb�m conta com bloqueio de diferencial no eixo traseiro.

O TAC Stark concorrer� com o Troller T4 e o Mitsubishi Pajero TR4. Seu pre�o final do modelo � R$ 98.780.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Racing cars

PC120602, originally uploaded by madro21.

Escoria��es - 11� parte

Leia tamb�m a 1� parte, 2� parte, 3� parte, 4� parte, 5� parte, 6� parte, 7� parte, 8� parte e 9� parte e 10� parte.

Chegamos finalmente a mais um fim de ano e tamb�m ao fim dos posts relacionados ao �Doutor em Motores� espero que tenham gostado e aproveitado bastante. Segue abaixo os dois �ltimos itens sobre Escoria��es o Amaciamento inadequado e Carga ou sobrecarga.

Amaciamento Inadequado

A � Marcha Lenta

Amaciar o motor em marcha lenta, embora n�o pare�a, tamb�m pode provocar escoria��es no motor e principalmente nos an�is.

A explica��o para isso � que, em marcha lenta, a bomba de �leo tamb�m funciona em baixa rota��o e fornece pouco �leo aos an�is, pist�es e cilindros.

Como, al�m disso, as pe�as s�o novas e, portanto, n�o se assentaram ainda, estando bastante justas, poder� ocorrer que o filme de �leo das paredes do cilindro, por ser insuficiente, venha a se romper, causando escoria��es aos an�is.

Para se evitar isso, deve-se, portanto, amaciar o motor em rota��o ligeiramente acelerada, mesmo durante o per�odo de aquecimento.

B � �gua fria no sistema

Outro mau costume � deixar-se o motor amaciando com �gua fria circulando pelo sistema.

Quando se segue essa pr�tica o que acontece � que os cilindros n�o se dilatam totalmente por estarem sendo arrefecidos com �gua fria.

Por outro lado, os pist�es e an�is est�o sendo aquecidos pelo calor da combust�o e dilatam-se totalmente, e com isso, a folga entre pist�es torna-se insuficiente, provocando escoria��es e engripamento.

9 � Carga ou sobrecarga

A sobrecarga prolongada � um dos fatores que mais provocam escoria��es e outras graves avarias em um motor e pode ser identificada quando o motor, operando em rota��o abaixo da normal, n�o consegue aumentar de rota��o quando se pisa no acelerador.

O que acontece � que, durante a sobrecarga, a quantidade m�xima de combust�vel � for�ada para dentro de cada cilindro, de forma que � gerado mais calor na c�mara de combust�o.

Isso aumenta a temperatura e a press�o dos gases de combust�o que, por sua vez, elevama temperatura de funcionamento dos pist�es, an�is e cilindros.

Ao mesmo tempo, porem, o fluxo de �gua � m�nimo, porque a bomba de �gua est� operando em velocidade reduzida, o fluxo de ar atrav�s do radiador devido a baixa rota��o do ventilador e � baixa velocidade do ve�culo e, al�m disso, h� uma diminui��o no lan�amento do �leo vindo dos mancais das bielas e uma redu��o no fluxo de �leo, devido � baixa rota��o do motor. Como o �leo serve tanto para esfriar como para lubrificar, reduz-se ainda mais o resfriamento do motor.

Com isso, devido � soma dessas diversas situa��es extremamente prejudiciais, n�o apenas escoria��es e engripamento poder�o ocorrer no motor mas, tamb�m, a queima do pist�o em um ou mais cilindros; a quebra de an�is superiores, o desgaste excessivo das canaletas superiores, an�is presos e graves avarias em outras pe�as do motor.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

GT on the Rooftop

Friday, December 11, 2009

2010 European Car of the Year is VW Polo

VW Polo has been crowned as the "European Car of the Year 2010". The supermini from Volkswagen, Europe's largest and most successful carmaker, narrowly beat the Toyota iQ in the final round of voting.

The result was determined from a group of 33 new cars launched in Europe in 2009 which were tested and voted on by European automotive journalists. The list of contenders included cars such as Suzuki Alto, Hyundai i20 and Kia Soul at one end to Porsche Panamera and Nissan 370Z at the other. A final shortlist of 7 cars was then determined before picking up the decisive winner. The jury for "Car of the Year 2010" consisted of 59 members, representing 23 European countries. The seven organizers of European Car of the Year are prominent automotive publications such as Auto(Italy), Autocar(UK), Autopista(Spain), Autovisie(Holland), L'Automobile Magazine(France), Stern(Germany) and Vi Bilagare(Sweden).
2010 ECOTY Results:
  1. Volkswagen Polo (347)

  2. Toyota iQ (337)

  3. Opel/Vauxhall Astra (221)

  4. Skoda Yeti (158)

  5. Mercedes-Benz E-Class (155)

  6. Peugeot 3008 (144)

  7. Citroen C3 Picasso (113)

Previous ECOTY Winners:
  • 2009 Opel/Vauxhall Insignia

  • 2008 Fiat 500

  • 2007 Ford S-Max

  • 2006 Renault Clio

  • 2005 Toyota Prius

By the way, VW Polo is one of the most awaited cars in India and is expected to be launched in the first quarter of 2010. As if the marketing blitzkrieg of 13-page adverts in Times of India is not enough, here is yet another thing which could be used as a tool to be unleashed in the Indian media. VW. Das Auto.

Cadillac in the North End of Boston

GTO Mods

GTO Mods, originally uploaded by ahidesigns.

V�deo Nissan GT-R vs. Porsche 911 Turbo e Audi R8 V10

Thursday, December 10, 2009

2010 Ward's 10 Best Engines Announced

It's that time of the year when almost every automotive publication across the globe has an award to announce. Unlike other auto publications which crowns Cars, Trucks and Automobiles of the Year, Ward's 10 Best Engines is the only award in North America which honors "Engine Excellence". The list of 10 Best Engines for the year 2010 has been announced and all the winners will be crowned at the 2010 North American International Auto Show in Detroit in January.

The Volkswagen Group is the clear winner taking home 3 awards including 2 for it's premium brand Audi. Ford also chips in with 2 awards including one for it's famed 2.5L Hybrid engine in the hot-selling Fusion model. While Subaru and Hyundai are getting this honor for the second time, the biggest loser this year seems to be Honda with no representation in the Top 10. Each engines were scored based on horsepower, torque, refinement, technical relevance and comparative data. The engines evaluated should be either all-new and should offer significant technological upgrades or was a returning winner from last year.

The following are the list of winners for the year 2010 along with the models in which the engines were tested.

  • 2.0L TFSI Turbocharged DOHC I-4 (Audi A4) 

  • 3.0L TFSI Supercharged DOHC V-6 (Audi S4)

  • 3.0L DOHC I-6 Turbodiesel (BMW 335d)

  • 2.5L DOHC I-4 Hybrid (Ford Fusion Hybrid)

  • 3.5L EcoBoost Turbocharged DOHC V-6 (Ford Taurus SHO)

  • 2.4L Ecotec DOHC I-4 (Chevrolet Equinox)

  • 4.6L Tau DOHC V-8 (Hyundai Genesis)

  • 2.5L Turbocharged DOHC H-4 (Subaru Legacy 2.5GT)

  • 1.8L DOHC I-4 Hybrid (Toyota Prius) 

  • 2.0L SOHC I-4 Turbodiesel (Volkswagen Jetta SportWagen TDI)

Audi R8 V10 no Brasil

A Audi anunciou que o R8 5.2 FSI V10 ser� lan�ado no Brasil. E ter� pre�o inicial partindo de R$ 696.500.

A nova op��o de configura��o tem motor aspirado do na posi��o central com 525 cv de pot�ncia. E vai de 0 a 100 km/h em 3s9 chegando a m�xima de 316 km/h.

Vem ainda com transmiss�o autom�tica sequencial de seis velocidades e embreagem dupla (DSG), tra��o integral nas quatro rodas e bloqueio do diferencial no eixo traseiro, al�m do sistema �Launch Control�, que gerencia os engates das marchas.

O R8 V10 est� sendo exposto na 2� Bienal do Autom�vel, que acontece em Belo Horizonte (MG) entre os dias 9 e 13 de dezembro.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Renault Duster no Brasil em 2011

A Renault anuncio, nesta ter�a (08/11/2009), que o utilit�rio Duster ser� produzido no Brasil a partir de 2011.

O Duster foi criado com base na mesma plataforma Logan Sandero e Nissan Livina. Na Europa vir� com vers�es com tra��o 4�2 e 4�4 e motores 1.6 16 v�lvulas de 110 cv a gasolina e 1.6 movido � diesel. No Brasil deve vir com o mesmo motor 1.6 16 V�lvulas flex Sandero e M�gane ou com o 1.8 16 v�lvulas Flex oferecido nos modelos Nissan Livina e Nissan Tiida.

Kia revela esbo�o de novo modelo esportivo

A Kia revelou na ultima sexta-feira, em uma confer�ncia de design na Coreia do Sul, o esbo�o do futuro modelo de luxo com linhas esportivas.

O modelo, foi apresentado com o nome c�digo K9, marcar� a entrada da marca sul-coreana nos modelos de luxo e dever� ser desenvolvido sobre a plataforma do futuro modelo de luxo da Hyundai, conhecido internamente como BH.

Ambos t�m lan�amento agendado para 2011 e dever�o contar com tra��o traseira e motores de seis e oito cilindros, a gasolina e diesel.

Lamborghini Gallardo LP550-2 �Valentino Balboni� V�deo

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Teletubbies in a muscle car

Ferrari Dino 308 GT4

Ferrari Dino 308 GT4, originally uploaded by Martyn F65.

Milestone #2: Hyundai crosses 25 Lakh Car Production in India

Let me settle things first. This blog is not a Hyundai PR Website. Now that things are clear, let me also state that I wish that there are some other automobile companies to rival Hyundai in constantly attracting media attention and being in spotlight. Seriously, this Korean company is not only growing globally in terms of sales, models, profits and brand image but is also setting milestones across the globe. Following my previous post of Hyundai's milestone in Alabama (USA), it is now the turn of it's Indian subsidiary Hyundai Motor India (HMI) to achieve a significant milestone.

The cumulative production of cars in it's plant at Sriperumbudur, 35 kms from the auto hub of Chennai, crossed 25 Lakh units today (08-Dec-2009). Hyundai started operations in India in the year 1998 after completing the construction of the greenfield facility in a record time of 17 months. The first car "Santro" was launched in September 1998 and it went off to become one of the most popular cars to be made in India with a total cumulative sales of 15 Lakh units till date. Cars like the Accent, Sonata, Getz, Elantra, i10 & the recent i20 have followed the Santro and continued the legacy of Hyundai in India. Of the total 25 Lakh units produced, approximately 16 Lakh units were sold in India and 9 Lakh units were exported.

Hyundai Motor India has always been a trendsetter of sorts in our country and this event is no exception. Hyundai has achieved this milestone in just a little over 10 years - the fastest in India and only the second auto manufacturer after Maruti to achieve this milestone.

Novo Ford Fiesta 2011 Tunado no Sal�o de Los Angeles

A Ford colocou um exposi��o quatro vers�es tunadas do novo Fiesta no Sal�o do Los Angeles.

A Ford personalizou os quatro carros em parceria com as empresas H&R, 3dCarbon, FSWerks e Steeda.

O Fiesta azul foi preparado pela H&R Special Springs:

O Fiesta vermelho foi preparado pela 3dCarbon e FSWeks:

O Fiesta preto foi preparado pela Ford Racing:

E o Fiesta foi preparado com kits de personaliza��o visuais da Ford:

Recall do Volvo XC60 no Brasil

H� duas semanas foi anunciado o Recall do Volvo XC60 no Estados Unidos. Agora o Recall � no Brasil, o problema � o mesmo a tampa do painel de controle dos ajustes do banco do motorista pode soltar em casos de colis�o lateral, o que prejudicaria o perfeito funcionamento do cinto de seguran�a.

Para corrigir o problema, a Volvo ir� substituir a tampa do painel de controle em sua rede de concession�rias. O servi�o gratuito, que dura cerca de uma hora, pode ser agendado na Central de Relacionamento Volvo pelo telefone 0800 707 7590.

V�deo Chevrolet Agile Sunny e Sport

Friday, December 4, 2009

Livermore Nostalgia Car Show HDR Black & White

of 365. I plan to upload a photo a day for a full year, 365 days.

Another shot from the Livermore Nostalgia Car Show. Converted 3 exposures to HDR then applied a Black and White filter in Photoshop, also added a slight amber tint.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Milestone #1: One Millionth Vehicle rolls off Hyundai's Alabama Plant

November-30-2009 will go in books as a red-letter day for South Korean auto-major Hyundai's American subsidiary - Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama (HMMA). The day marked the "Roll-Out of 1 Millionth Vehicle" from the plant which started operations in 2005 with the mid-size Sonata sedan and henceforth added the crossover Santa Fe to it's lineup. In a short span of a little over four and a half years, a total of 655,496 Sonatas and 344,504 Santa Fes were built to achieve this landmark.

Speaking on the occasion, HMMA President & CEO, Mr.H.I.Kim said, "Our guests of honor today are without a doubt the team members wearing the Hyundai logo on their chest. We've overcome many challenges since production began in 2005 and through it all our Team Members never turned away from those challenges. It is because of them that we were able to accomplish this tremendous milestone."

It seems that Hyundai is on a spree of achieving milestones across the globe. On November-03-2009, Hyundai reported that the worldwide cumulative sales of it's Santa Fe SUV has touched 2 Million units. This included 500,000 unit sales in the Korean domestic market. This multiple award-winning and successful model was launched by Hyundai in June 2000 and it has steadily gained in popularity in most of the markets it was launched in. The Santa Fe is in it's second generation now and it was given a mid-cycle facelift very recently.

Conceito da Volkswagen que faz 41km/l

O prot�tipo Up! Lite Concept da Volkswagen foi apresentado no Sal�o de Los Angeles. O carro faz a incr�vel media de 41 km/litro de diesel.

Para chegar a esta marca a Volkswagen utilizou um motor turbodiesel, com 0,8 litro com 51 cavalos em conjunto com um motor el�trico de 10 Kw e c�mbio seq�encial de sete marchas. Para reduzir o peso, na carroceria foi utilizada fibra de carbono e nas rodas o alum�nio. Para ajudar na aerodin�mica foram retirados os espelhos e colocado c�meras de v�deo no lugar.

Mesmo com este motor pequeno o Up! Lite Concept vai de 0 a 100 km/h em 12,5 segundos e atinge m�xima de 160 km/h.

Clique nas fotos para ampliar.

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