Friday, October 29, 2010

Como economizar combust�vel

Como hoje em dia o combust�vel n�o � dos mais baratos. vale a pena tomar alguns cuidados ao volante para evitar gastos desnecess�rios na hora de reabastecer. Confira a seguir alguns conselhos para fazer o combust�vel do seu carro render mais:

  • Na partida, n�o se deve aquecer o motor com o carro parado. � melhor come�ar a andar devagar, ir acelerando progressivamente sem exigir grande pot�ncia do motor nos primeiros metros.
  • Evite andar com o motor em alta rota��o. Consulte o manual do propriet�rio para verificar qual � o regime em que o torque (for�a) m�ximo � atingido.
  • No tr�nsito, mantenha-se o m�ximo poss�vel nas marchas mais altas sem no entanto for�ar o motor e deixa-lo dar trancos. Ande em velocidade regular, sem grandes freiadas ou acelera��es repentinas.
  • Mantenha o motor bem regulado, com os bicos injetores desobstru�dos e com os filtros de ar dentro do prazo de utiliza��o recomendado pelo fabricante. As velas tamb�m precisam estar em bom estado e com a folga do eletrodo de acordo com as especifica��es estabelecidas por cada marca.
  • Estacionando, nunca acelere antes de desligar a igni��o.
  • Andar com o ar-condicionado ligado mesmo em dias frios tamb�m acaba provocando desperd�cio de combust�vel. � recomend�vel us�-lo com modera��o.
  • Levar peso desnecess�rio no porta-malas, por esquecimento, exige mais esfor�o do motor e tamb�m aumenta o consumo. Vale a pena remover os objetos que n�o ser�o usados durante a viagem.
  • Pneus descalibrados tamb�m s�o vil�es quando o assunto � economizar combust�vel. N�o se esque�a de calibr�-los semanalmente. Na maioria dos casos, as press�es corretas est�o impressas numa etiqueta atr�s da portinhola do bocal de reabastecimento, ou na parte interna da tampa do porta-luvas.
  • Se for viajar, os vidros abertos e a bagagem na capota s�o pontos que pesam contra o seu bolso na hora de reabastecer, pois afetam o perfil de penetra��o aerodin�mica do carro. Procure manter as janelas fechadas e n�o exagere na altura da carga colocada no bagageiro.
  • Nunca encha o tanque de combust�vel at� a boca. Nos carros com carburador, parte desse combust�vel acaba se perdendo pelo bocal ou pela v�lvula de al�vio. Lembre-se: o n�vel correto do tanque � quando o combust�vel atinge o bico da bomba. Isso pode ser percebido quando o gatilho da mangueira desarma automaticamente.
  • N�o rode com o tanque na reserva, o que permite muito espa�o para evapora��o do combust�vel. Al�m disso, essa atitude faz com que res�duos que ficam no fundo do tanque sejam sugados para dentro do motor, entupindo os bicos injetores.
  • Dirija com calma, sem exagerar nas acelera��es, sem excesso de freadas bruscas e retomando a velocidade sem pressa. O motorista afoito � o maior amigo dos donos de postos de combust�vel.
  • No caso dos carros dotados de carburador, desligue o afogador assim que o motor atingir a temperatura ideal de funcionamento.
  • Mec�nica: � fundamental verificar pelo menos uma vez por ano os elementos essenciais, afina��o do motor, troca de filtros (um filtro sujo diminui o rendimento do motor), etc.
  • Quando chegar a velocidade desejada, alivie um pouco o acelerador.
  • Organize seu itiner�rio. Crie uma rota que atenda todos os seus compromissos. Concilie sua agenda da melhor forma, evite idas e vindas desnecess�rias.

Fontes Carsale e G1

Thursday, October 28, 2010

2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R The New Super Sports Cars

Italian brands The Lavazza GT-R unveiled, Simbol Design has some pictures and specifications for the new super sports car. Simbol Design has created this impressive new V12 supercar producing 620 hp while weighing a mere 2380 lbs. This gives the car an exceptional power to weight ratio of 3.8 lb.
2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R The New Super Sports Cars
Simbol Design's Lavazza GTX-R body made of carbon-Kevlar built atop a tubular steel frame. And since German powerplants have emerged as the new crate engine of choice for niche manufacturers from Spyker and Wiesmann to Gumpert and Pagani, the Lavazza packs a BMW-sourced 5.4-liter V12, picking up Lamborghini's tractor-origins mantle with an electro-pneumatic transmission reportedly sourced from a bus. Sources differ on the engine's output � alternately claiming 489 horsepower or 620 � but either way, 0-60 mph times quoted around the four-and-a-half second sound conservative.
The 2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R The New Super Sports Cars will be offered in both coupe and roadster versions and will be built in carbon kevlar. This will help the car get its weight down to about 2381 lbs. On the exterior, the 2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R will get fixed front diverters and rear venturi intakes with adjustable side diverters, an adjustable rear wing, and a roof scoop.
The front of the car may look a little like a Pagani Zonda (or a Zonda on drugs), but the price tag shouldn�t as this car is definitely not fitting into the ranks of the Italian supercars of today. Both coupe and roadster bodystyles are apparently in the works, though there's no word on availability or pricing just yet, but are exclusive to models such as this, you can not expect that the cheap.
 2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R The New Super Sports Cars

2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R The New Super Sports Cars

Italian brands The Lavazza GT-R unveiled, Simbol Design has some pictures and specifications for the new super sports car. Simbol Design has created this impressive new V12 supercar producing 620 hp while weighing a mere 2380 lbs. This gives the car an exceptional power to weight ratio of 3.8 lb.
2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R The New Super Sports Cars
Simbol Design's Lavazza GTX-R body made of carbon-Kevlar built atop a tubular steel frame. And since German powerplants have emerged as the new crate engine of choice for niche manufacturers from Spyker and Wiesmann to Gumpert and Pagani, the Lavazza packs a BMW-sourced 5.4-liter V12, picking up Lamborghini's tractor-origins mantle with an electro-pneumatic transmission reportedly sourced from a bus. Sources differ on the engine's output � alternately claiming 489 horsepower or 620 � but either way, 0-60 mph times quoted around the four-and-a-half second sound conservative.
The 2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R The New Super Sports Cars will be offered in both coupe and roadster versions and will be built in carbon kevlar. This will help the car get its weight down to about 2381 lbs. On the exterior, the 2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R will get fixed front diverters and rear venturi intakes with adjustable side diverters, an adjustable rear wing, and a roof scoop.
The front of the car may look a little like a Pagani Zonda (or a Zonda on drugs), but the price tag shouldn�t as this car is definitely not fitting into the ranks of the Italian supercars of today. Both coupe and roadster bodystyles are apparently in the works, though there's no word on availability or pricing just yet, but are exclusive to models such as this, you can not expect that the cheap.
 2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R The New Super Sports Cars

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Porsche 911 GT2

Porsche 911 GT2, originally uploaded by bboland67.

A Porsche 911 GT2 at the 2010 Philly Auto Show.

Ferrari California

Ferrari California, originally uploaded by Willem Rodenburg.

Prot�tipo Citro�n GT

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

De Tomaso Ghepardo Sports Cars Concept Designed For The Future

De Tomaso releases new renderings of a future car set to compete with the Mercedes CLS � its called the Ghepardo. The four-door sports cars, Ghepardo, suggests the new concept cars for the future De Tomaso. Ghepardo is designed with great respect for the De Tomaso history and design language, and several elements are inspired by the surface treatments of the Pantera and Mangusta. It is designed to match the future trends within the automotive industry both in design and functionality.
 De Tomaso Ghepardo Sports Cars Concept Designed For The Future
This entire auto is inspired not only by the De Tomaso past line of cars, but by a fine taylor-made Italian suit as well. De Tomaso was considered the entry level to the holy grail of Italian super cars in the 1960s and 1970s. De Tomaso sport cars Pantera and Mangusta are used as inspiration for surface treatments and more. Auto designer Frederik Tjellesen has created a concept sports car for an Italian car manufacturer, De Tomaso, which runs on a low-emission hybrid engine. Christened the Ghepardo, the concept is a four-door sports car that boasts Ecoboost technology and methanol fuel cells.
The De Tomaso Ghepardo Sports Cars Concept Designed For The Future uses technology based on both the latest production sports cars as well as the concepts cars currently being tested. Ghepardo may be powered either by a Ford twin-turbo ecoboost 3.5 V6 producing 465 bhp or by four electric in-hub fuel cells each producing 85 Kw (combined an equivalent of 440 bhp). Electricity is produced by a methanol fuel cell stack located beneath the 500 litre boot. Active aerofoils are incorporated in the �c-pillar/rear wing� giving the car optimal down force at any speed. The Ghepardo measures a length of 4820 mm, a width of 1970 mm, height of 1300 mm and a wheel base of 2990 mm.
The sports cars were as fast and as beautiful, however, more inexpensive than the ones of Ferrari and Lamborghini. In 1971, De Tomaso introduced the Deauville which was the fastest saloon car at the time. It was referred to as a super saloon by founder Alejandro De Tomaso. Inspired by the spirit of the Deauville, the De Tomaso Ghepardo is a modern four door fuel cell super car with a surface treatment inspired by the legendary De Tomasos of the 60s and 70s and designed for the future.
As an inspirational effect from the Mangusta, in  Ghepardo De Tomaso the rear wing function as the boot cover and the rear door. With elegant surface, volume, stand, lines with a smooth eye catching finish, the bottom windows are so designed that the rider can have an idea of the speed. Run by a power of approximately 450HP, this car surely binds style with future trend of the car.

 De Tomaso Ghepardo Sports Cars Concept Designed For The Future

De Tomaso Ghepardo Sports Cars Concept Designed For The Future

De Tomaso releases new renderings of a future car set to compete with the Mercedes CLS � its called the Ghepardo. The four-door sports cars, Ghepardo, suggests the new concept cars for the future De Tomaso. Ghepardo is designed with great respect for the De Tomaso history and design language, and several elements are inspired by the surface treatments of the Pantera and Mangusta. It is designed to match the future trends within the automotive industry both in design and functionality.
 De Tomaso Ghepardo Sports Cars Concept Designed For The Future
This entire auto is inspired not only by the De Tomaso past line of cars, but by a fine taylor-made Italian suit as well. De Tomaso was considered the entry level to the holy grail of Italian super cars in the 1960s and 1970s. De Tomaso sport cars Pantera and Mangusta are used as inspiration for surface treatments and more. Auto designer Frederik Tjellesen has created a concept sports car for an Italian car manufacturer, De Tomaso, which runs on a low-emission hybrid engine. Christened the Ghepardo, the concept is a four-door sports car that boasts Ecoboost technology and methanol fuel cells.
The De Tomaso Ghepardo Sports Cars Concept Designed For The Future uses technology based on both the latest production sports cars as well as the concepts cars currently being tested. Ghepardo may be powered either by a Ford twin-turbo ecoboost 3.5 V6 producing 465 bhp or by four electric in-hub fuel cells each producing 85 Kw (combined an equivalent of 440 bhp). Electricity is produced by a methanol fuel cell stack located beneath the 500 litre boot. Active aerofoils are incorporated in the �c-pillar/rear wing� giving the car optimal down force at any speed. The Ghepardo measures a length of 4820 mm, a width of 1970 mm, height of 1300 mm and a wheel base of 2990 mm.
The sports cars were as fast and as beautiful, however, more inexpensive than the ones of Ferrari and Lamborghini. In 1971, De Tomaso introduced the Deauville which was the fastest saloon car at the time. It was referred to as a super saloon by founder Alejandro De Tomaso. Inspired by the spirit of the Deauville, the De Tomaso Ghepardo is a modern four door fuel cell super car with a surface treatment inspired by the legendary De Tomasos of the 60s and 70s and designed for the future.
As an inspirational effect from the Mangusta, in  Ghepardo De Tomaso the rear wing function as the boot cover and the rear door. With elegant surface, volume, stand, lines with a smooth eye catching finish, the bottom windows are so designed that the rider can have an idea of the speed. Run by a power of approximately 450HP, this car surely binds style with future trend of the car.

 De Tomaso Ghepardo Sports Cars Concept Designed For The Future

Renault Grand Tour statin wagon

Num segmento marcado por poucas op��es de modelos nacionais, mas com consumidores extremamente exigentes, o Renault Grand Tour chama aten��o entre as stations wagons pelo alto padr�o de seguran�a e extensa lista de equipamentos de comodidade de s�rie. Um autom�vel completo para fam�lias que precisam de espa�o e n�o abrem m�o da sofistica��o.

A concep��o avan�ada, a apar�ncia moderna e o conforto interno superior lhe d�o vantagem em rela��o aos concorrentes. O Grand Tour � produzido e comercializado no Brasil em uma vers�o de acabamento: Dynamique 1.6 16V Hi-Flex.

O Grand Tour Dynamique 1.6 16V Hi-Flex conta com uma ampla e completa lista de equipamento, que inclui: airbags auto-adaptativos para motorista e passageiro, ar-condicionado digital, computador de bordo, sistema de freios ABS com EBD, vidros el�tricos com sistema anti-esmagamento e acionamento � dist�ncia, retrovisores externos com regulagem el�trica, volante com regulagem de altura e profundidade e r�dio CD com MP3 e comando sat�lite na coluna de dire��o. Com um desenho externo elegante e esportivo, o Grand Tour conta com rodas de liga leve aro 16, far�is de neblina, barra de teto e frisos cromados na grade dianteira.

O interior do Grand Tour prima pelo conforto, com elevado padr�o de acabamento a partir do uso de material de alta qualidade. O Renault Grand Tour incorporou itens at� ent�o in�ditos em um ve�culo produzido no Brasil, como o cart�o de igni��o que substitui as chaves convencionais e o sistema de partida por meio de bot�o.

A capacidade de carga do modelo tamb�m merece destaque. O Renault Grand Tour pode transportar entre 520 litros (at� a altura da tampa do porta-malas) e 1.600 litros (com o banco traseiro rebatido). Para facilitar o transporte de volumes com formatos pouco usuais, o encosto do banco traseiro tamb�m pode ser rebatido nos formatos 1/3 e 2/3.

1.6 16V Hi-Flex: um motor adequado para as necessidades dos consumidores
O Renault Grand Tour � comercializado com o propulsor 1.6 16V Hi-Flex. Este motor conta com duplo comando de v�lvulas no cabe�ote e desenvolve pot�ncia m�xima de 110 cv (com gasolina) e 115 cv (com �lcool), sempre a 5.750 rpm. O c�mbio destinado a esse modelo � o manual de cinco velocidades.

Padr�o 5 estrelas de seguran�a
Na Europa, o Grand Tour det�m a pontua��o m�xima de cinco estrelas na mais rigorosa avalia��o existente no continente: o Euro NCAP (Programa Europeu de Avalia��o de Carros Novos). No Brasil, o modelo foi apontado pelo CESVI como l�der no segmento �Station Wagon� do CAR Group 2010, ranking que classifica os ve�culos de acordo com os custos e a facilidade de realiza��o de reparos nos ve�culos comercializados no pa�s.

Esta � a segunda vez consecutiva que Grand Tour ocupa a primeira coloca��o em seus segmentos no ranking CAR Group, o que comprova a robustez, a durabilidade e a baixo custo de manuten��o do ve�culo.

Texto e fotos Renault

sandero_renault cars

sandero_renault cars

Monday, October 25, 2010

Alfa Romeo Sport Cars Autodelta Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione

The Performance Car Show that will take place in Birmingham, UK, 14-17 January 2010, Autodelta will unveil the world�s first tuned Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione. Alfa Romeo�s awesome Alfa 8C Competizione supercar has scooped the award for Best Design of the Year in Auto Express�s 2008 New Car Honours.
The announcement came after more than 4000 Auto Express readers voted in the category, putting the Italian 4.7 V8 head and shoulders above its rivals.  Auto Express�s judging panel agreed with their verdict.
Editor of Auto Express, David Johns, said: �Choosing the best designed cars of the year is never easy, so we turned to the experts for help � Auto Express readers.  Only one car was ever going to win � Alfa Romeo�s  Sport Cars 8C Competizione simply blew the opposition away.�
Alfa Romeo Sport Cars Autodelta Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione 
Marketing Director of Alfa Romeo UK, Nicholas Bernard, added: �It�s fabulous to know that this supercar has stirred the emotions and unified car fans across the UK.  It is the epitome of the Alfa Romeo Sport Cars marque and will provide the design inspiration for future models.�
The 4.7-liter V8 engine in the car masterpiece is obviously a slightly higher performance using a new engine management software. The engine develops 444 hp at its plant stock and Autodelta incarnation promises to 17 more to offer. Technical refinements to the chassis of the car and the suspension was also promised, but no further details were released by the company.
Few details are known at this point, but a remapped ECU should squeeze out a modest 17 horsepower boost from the stock 444-hp, 4.7-liter Ferrari-developed V8. Alfa Romeo Sport Cars Autodelta Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione is also working on fine-tuning the chassis, taking their 8C around some of the finest tracks in Europe to get it just right.
Alfa Romeo Sport Cars Autodelta Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione
Autodelta also announced that they are working on chassis and suspension upgrades that will be presented at a later date.
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